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Anthurium clarinervium is one of the silver veined species popular in this genus. This lithophytic species is found in the Chiapas and Yucatan provinces of Mexico. Plants will attain heights of 50-60cm and the leaves measure up to 25cm across. This species produces several inflorescences at one time. Whilst not known for its flowers the flowers are long and striking with a green spadix. Anthuriums have been known to self-pollinate but will often go through a female phase before going through the male phase and then dying so collect the pollen from the male phase for future pollination.


This species is flowering size and is growing in a pot. Plants are bigger than usual and measure 50cm. Caring for Anthurium clarinervium is an easy job for an experienced grower. However, even a novice grower can take care of this plant with limited knowledge of growing Anthurium. Also, this plant can tolerate humidity as low as 60% making it a much sturdier Anthurium then most. As this species is found in lowland forests this plant doesn’t need direct light as that will damage the plant, moderate indirect light is suitable for this species. Grow plants in a chunky and airy potting mix, and one similar to epiphytic orchids, allowing enough oxygen to the roots. Anthurium clarinervium prefer daytime temperatures between 25 and 32 Celsius and night-time temperatures from 16 – 19 Celsius.


Family – Araceae

Plant Passport - A Anthurium clarinervium B 140084 c 10761 d GB

Anthurium clarinervium

SKU: Anthurium clarinervium

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