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Encyclia tampensis is a species from the Islands of the Bahamas, Florida and Cuba. Plants are epiphytic and inhabit open forests, and isolated trees along waterways at elevations around 1,000 metres. The inflorescences branch and produce many flowers each measuring 5 cm across. Plants bloom during the spring to early summer. The flower colours and patterning varies and is probably geographical.


These plants are flowering size and are growing in a pot or on a mount. This is the ywllowish colour sepals and pale white lip form. Grow Encyclia tampensis on a mount or in a pot and use a medium bark mix as a media. Make sure the plant gets sufficient air movement particularly when gown in high humidity. Plants need bright light to flower. Plants need to dry between watering. This species likes an intermediate to warm greenhouse with night low temperatures of 18-23 degrees and daytime temperatures of 24-30 degrees. Plants will grow and flower indoors if enough light, sufficient humidity and air circulation are provided.


Family – Orchidaceae

Plant Passport - A Encyclia tampensis B 140084 c 10896 d GB

Encyclia tampensis

SKU: Encyclia tampensis

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