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Brassavola flagellaris is from Brazil. Inflorescences are short, bear several flowers that each measure 6-7 cm across. Plants bloom during the summer and are long lasting.


This is a flowering size plant and is growing on a mount. Grow Brassavola flagellaris on a mount or in a pot with a medium grade bark media. Plants require bright light, give it a lot of water while it is actively growing and much reduced during the winter months. Although plants should not dry out completely and certainly not dehydrate. This plant grows well in an intermediate to warm greenhouse and appreciates night-time temperatures of 14-18 degrees and daytime temperatures of 26 to 32 degrees. This species likes a distinct difference between day and night temperature and a short winter rest. Grow this species indoors when conditions are suitable.


Family – Orchidaceae

Plant Passport - A Brassavola flagellaris B 140084 c 9021 d GB

Brassavola flagellaris

SKU: Brassavola flagellaris

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