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Alocasia longiloba x sanderiana is a man-made hybrid of two species, one widespread and the other endemic to Sulawesi. The websites (some you would assume are credible), that state or title this plant as being a natural hybrid (Alocasia x amazonica) or even a species! (Alocasia amazonica) are mis informing and have not done their research or any fact checking. Plants can be found as Alocasia Amazonica or Alocasia Polly. The leaves are striking and the parent, sanderiana is evident and comes through better than in other clones I’ve seen.  Leaves can measure 30-50 cm.


This plant is flowering size and plants are growing in pots. Grow this hybrid in a pot, and use a perlite, chopped moss and fine bark mix as a media. Make sure the plant gets sufficient air movement particularly when gown in humidity above 60%; always give plants moderate shade. I water this species once a week or when the potting mix starts looking dry. This species grows best in an intermediate to warm greenhouse or paludarium with night low temperatures of 14-18 degrees and daytime temperatures of 23-30 degrees. Plants will grow well indoors if cool night temperatures, consistent watering, when grown in appropriate media and reasonable light are provided.


Family – Araceae

Plant Passport - A Alocasia hybrid B 140084 c 11212 d GB

Alocasia longiloba x sanderiana

SKU: Alocasia longiloba x sanderiana

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