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Callisia navicularis is a species from Mexico. Plants inhabit rocky outcrops, mountainsides and plains along the eastern side of the central mountain range. Plants have their centre of distribution between Monterrey and San Luis Potosi. Inflorescences are short and emerge from the apices of the stems, the inflorescences bear solitary flowers, the flowers have three petals are pink.


This plant is flowering size and is growing in a pot. Grow Callisia navicularis in a pot and use a grit, sand, gravel and fine bark mix as a media. Make sure the plant gets sufficient air movement particularly when gown in humidity above 55%; plants will rot if grown in high humidity. Plants need to be grown dry; I grow this species close to the fans and greenhouse heaters where the atmosphere is drier. This species likes an intermediate to warm greenhouse with night low temperatures of 15-18 degrees and daytime temperatures of 25-36 degrees. Plants will grow well indoors if cooler night temperatures and bright light are provided.



Plant Size - 3-4 stems each upwards of 3 cm. growing in small pots of grit, gravel and sand.

Provenance - Divided from our stock plant which in itself was imported from the USA

Family – Commelinaceae

Plant Passport - A Callisia navicularis B 140084 c 11455 d GB

Callisia navicularis

SKU: Callisia navicularis

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